You are warmly welcome to my homepage. I am Marianna, psychoanalyst training candidate at the C.G. Jung Institute in Copenhagen, which is the only member organization of IAAP (International Association of Analytical Psychology, that in Scandinavia organizes a 6 year psychoanalyst training of jungian orientation.
I have always been intrigued by the mystery of the psyche, by the unconscious in particular, after having suffered anxiety and panic attacts for a long period in my youth. Instead of avoiding and denying our fears and wounds, we may find a meaning in them, when we meet them step by step in a space and in a company where we feel safe and accepted.
Jungian analysis is a well-researched method of treatment, when you feel that a psychological problem or symptom causes you suffering and prevents you from living the life that belongs to you. These problems may be panic disorder, anxiety, depression, addictions, traumas, life crisis and different fobias. Sometimes the problem is just a loss of meaning or lack of direction in life.
Client work under the supervision of experienced training analysts is part of my training program.
I have signed to adhere in my analyst work to the Code of Ethics of International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP) and European Association For Psychotherapy (EAP). You can find them here: Code of Ethics in English.